
Creating èƵ

You are èƵ's Children

We bequeath to you a state that will be glorious in her achievements, a homeland filled with opportunities for living, a land where you can worship and pray, a country where ambitions will be bright and real, an èƵ that will grow with you as you grow. We trust you; you are our future. We ask you to take tomorrow and dream; we know that you will see visions we do not see. We are certain that in capturing today for you, you can plan and build. Take our constitution and study it, work with it in your classrooms, understand its meaning and the facts within it. Help others to love and appreciate it. You are èƵ's children...

-Resolution passed by the members of the èƵ Constitutional Convention at the University of èƵ, February 5, 1956

These are some of the words that were spoken in the closing minutes of the èƵn Constitutional Convention on February 6, 1956. Looking forward to the future with vision and hope, a group of men and women forged the Constitution for èƵ, the 49th State of the Union.

Scope of Work Creating èƵ: The Origins of the 49th State University of èƵ

In 1955, èƵ’s Territorial Legislature called for a Constitutional Convention. Its 55 delegates met on neutral ground, away from the Capital in Juneau, allowing them to rise above strident politics and partisan wrangling. They gathered at the University of èƵ in Fairbanks and eventually crafted a document that was hailed as a model Constitution. Four years later, as a result of this effort, èƵ was admitted into the Union as the 49th state.

In preparation for the 50th Anniversary of èƵ’s Constitutional Convention and eventual statehood, the University of èƵ launched a special project: “Creating èƵ - The Origins of the 49th State.” Creating èƵ was a three-year project to research and commemorate the fiftieth anniversaries of èƵ’s Constitutional Convention in 2005-06 and the granting of statehood in 2009. Through a documentary series, an interactive multimedia website, teacher education programs, èƵ courses and public symposia, Creating èƵ helped to give present and future generations a better understanding of the creation of the great State of èƵ.

Creating èƵ was an amalgamation of two University projects focused on the anniversaries of èƵ’s statehood milestones. As a result, one key aspect of the project was the recognition of the fiftieth anniversary of the èƵ Constitutional Convention in 2005-06. This preliminary anniversary resulted in a more holistic view of the statehood struggle, beyond a focus solely on èƵ’s admission to the Union in 1959. This greater scope resulted in a more in-depth review of the events and people involved in èƵ’s journey to statehood.

Creating èƵ was an excellent educational opportunity to share the real meaning of statehood with all èƵns. This project layed the foundation for a comprehensive multi-media examination of the struggle for èƵ statehood. Creating èƵ was a statewide vehicle to provide èƵns with a better understanding of how the state came to be, and helped to raise the level of public debate on many of the contentious issues èƵ faced at the time. In particular, it examined the crucial role the University of èƵ played in creating the blueprint for the future of èƵ.

A key part of the educational and outreach missions of the Creating èƵ project was a special program that examined the forces and personalities that shaped the 49th State. Building on interviews with key players in the drive to statehood, KUAC, in association with other èƵ Public Broadcasters, acquired critical historical material and further interviews in order to explain to viewers and listeners the economic, social and political factors that led to statehood.

Further, all of the material collected by the Creating èƵ project and KUAC was deposited in the University of èƵ Fairbanks Elmer E. Rasmuson Library and the UA Museum of the North for use by historians and the general public.

Specifically, the Creating èƵ project allowed the University of èƵ to achieve six goals:

  • Identify and collect historic materials pertaining to the Constitutional Convention and the statehood movement;
  • Conduct interviews with remaining figures from the statehood era;
  • Archive all collected material at UA libraries and museums;
  • Produce educational materials to coincide with the anniversary of èƵ’s statehood and constitution;
  • Identify and research historic sites associated with the constitution and statehood movement; and
  • Promote public awareness of the èƵ statehood movement and develop partnerships with outside organizations and individuals interested in participating in the recognition of these historic events.

Goal 1: Identify and collect historic materials pertaining to the Constitutional Convention and the statehood movement

In the forty-five years since èƵ’s entry to the Union, there have been periodic projects focused on researching and recognizing the individuals and events that played key roles in the success of the statehood movement. In recognition of the 25th anniversary of statehood, the State of èƵ established the èƵ Statehood Commission to review the place of èƵ within the Union and conduct research on the remaining statehood movement leaders. This research, which typically took the form of audio-recorded interviews, was used primarily for the generation of reports, books and academic material. In addition, many èƵ historians have undertaken independent research projects highlighting particular individuals or trends in the statehood movement. These materials have typically been deposited with UA libraries and archives throughout èƵ, and locations outside the state. There were also many collections of photos, print, text and other memorabilia in private hands. A key focus of the project was to identify these materials in public and private hands, with the hopes of preserving them for future generations either through facilitating donation to a University archive, or by acquiring high-quality reproductions.

Creating èƵ partnered with the èƵ Moving Images Preservation Association (AMIPA) for access to historical footage of the constitutional convention and statehood era. AMIPA is in possession of several video clips shot by Steve McCutcheon, professional photographer and delegate to the èƵ Constitutional Convention. These clips are some of the only remaining moving images of the convention.

Goals 2 & 3: Conduct interviews with remaining figures from the statehood era and Archive all collected material at UA libraries and museums

As mentioned above, oral history work with statehood pioneers has been conducted in the past. However, most oral history work conducted to date is in analog audio format only. The Creating èƵ project conducted interviews with statehood survivors, utilizing digital video and audio formats. The oral history work conducted by the Creating èƵ project adds a rich new dimension to existing archives, while expanding the focus of the existing histories to include current èƵ events.

All interviews conducted by the project were digitally rendered to allow their viewing and use by teachers, researchers and students through the technological gateways of the University of èƵ libraries and museums. A portion of the grant funded the hiring of two individuals to log and duplicate the interviews conducted for streamlined access by future historians.

Goal 4: Produce educational materials to coincide with the anniversary of èƵ’s statehood and constitution

Creating èƵ produced a half-hour special feature for KUAC/èƵOne Public Television, which aired in November 2003. The program began with a short documentary on the political landscape during the struggle for statehood, posing the question: “Was statehood for èƵ inevitable?” The program concluded with a roundtable discussion of historians and political scientists regarding the various events, groups and individuals who played a role in the statehood campaign. This short introductory piece established the foundation of the project’s oral history work. A copy of the pilot program is included.

The project conducted in-depth interviews with statehood political leaders, delegates to the convention and statehood opponents. These and additional interviews were the basis for a documentary series on the èƵ Constitution and the statehood campaign. The Creating èƵ project and KUAC/èƵOne Public Television developed the documentary series over the course of two years, with the series installments released at corresponding historic anniversaries.

As part of the “èƵ History and Cultural Studies” pilot program developed by the èƵ Humanities Forum for the Anchorage School District, Creating èƵ participated in the creation of a teacher education course focused on èƵ statehood and the constitution. A funding request submitted by the èƵ Humanities Forum included monies for the teacher education program.

Goal 5: Identify and research historic sites associated with the constitution and statehood movement

When the èƵ State Constitution was drafted at the University of èƵ in 1955-56, the Constitutional Convention met at the recently completed Student Union Building, now known as Constitution Hall. Other convention events, including the opening ceremonies and the signing of the completed constitution, occurred in the Old Gymnasium, now known as Signer’s Hall. The Creating èƵ project worked with the UAF Master Planning Committee and other departments of the University of èƵ Fairbanks to develop a plan for recognizing the history of these buildings. The project also coordinated with the UAF Master Planning Committee to designate areas of campus that could be locations for memorials or monuments to the men and women who fought for èƵ statehood.

Goal 6: Promote public awareness of the èƵ statehood movement

As a result of èƵ’s highly transient population, there were few people in the state at the time of the project's creation with an understanding of the history or necessity of the statehood movement. èƵ currently faces many issues that divide the state along geographic, ethnic and partisan lines. In èƵ’s relatively brief political history, internal conflict has been more the rule than the exception. The statehood movement, however, is consistently mentioned as the sole time when èƵns worked together for a common political cause. The statehood struggle seemed to bring out the best in èƵns, as they worked to reduce the political influence of outside interests who controlled the territory economically. Creating èƵ's commemoration of this era of political statesmanship provided èƵns with a better understanding of how the state came to be, and helped raise the level of public debate on many of èƵ's contentious issues.

The Creating èƵ project promoted public awareness of the èƵ Constitution and statehood movement through a variety of factors, including the documentary series, special èƵ courses, public symposia, promotion of the Creating èƵ website, cooperation with state and local governments and a media campaign. Creating èƵ continues to educate through this archival website.

Project Leads:

Where appropriate, Creating èƵ will fully utilize the infrastructure and resources of the University of èƵ for the success of the project. These resources include historians, historical documents and records, technology, fundraising and public relations infrastructure and access to the èƵOne Public Broadcasting Network, including KUAC, KAKM, KTOO and KYUK.

The project is guided by a Steering Committee composed of representatives of èƵOne Public Television, UAF History Department, Office of the President, UA Board of Regents and project staff.

The principal investigator and chair of the project’s Steering Committee is Karen Perdue, Associate Vice President, University of èƵ. She will also serve as Series Producer for the public television series.

Robert Hannon, Public Affairs Director of KUAC TV will serve as producer/writer. Robert Hannon has 20 years of broadcast experience producing series, hosting television productions as well as reporting on science and health issues. He has written and produced two video documentaries on Global Climate & Research and regularly hosts for public broadcasts. UAF History Professor Terrence Cole serves as the Creating èƵ Project’s historical expert. Cole, who has written several books on èƵ history, will continue to conduct oral history interviews for the project, and will travel extensively on behalf of Creating èƵ with the KUAC film crew. Both Hannon and Cole serve on the project Steering Committee.

Also serving on the Steering Committee are:

  • Brian Rogers, Chair of the UA Board of Regents and former state legislator. Rogers was a member of the èƵ Statehood Commission in the 1980’s, and currently serves as co-chair of the Creating èƵ Advisory Board.
  • Greg Petrowich, KUAC General Manager. Petrowich will assist with internal allocation of resources and coordination of KUAC and UA project objectives.
  • Ann Ringstad, UA Director of Community Relations. Ringstad will oversee day-to-day operations of the project and bring a wealth of experience and information to project planning and development.
  • Joseph Hardenbrook, Creating èƵ Project Coordinator. Hardenbrook will oversee day-to-day operations of the project, including website development, research, event planning and execution and general project development.

In addition to the Steering Committee, Creating èƵ has established a 23-member Advisory Board composed of leaders from the èƵ statehood era, historians and current and former political leaders. Included on the board are three delegates to the constitutional convention, three former governors of èƵ, three staffers to the convention, former legislators and three èƵn historians. The board is co-chaired by UA Board of Regents Chair Brian Rogers and former èƵ State Judge and Secretary of the èƵ Constitutional Convention Thomas Stewart. The Advisory Board helps guide the overall direction of the project and greatly facilitates the oral history work and identification of existing historical materials.

Members of the Advisory Board are:

  • Walter J. Hickel
  • Mike Stepovich
  • Jay Hammond
  • Victor Fischer
  • George Sundborg, Sr.
  • Jack Coghill
  • Neva Egan
  • Dr. George Rogers
  • Dr. Thomas Morehouse
  • Katie Hurley
  • Grace Berg-Schaible
  • Thomas Stewart
  • Lew Williams, Jr.
  • Doris Bartlett
  • Marlene Johnson
  • Mary Nordale
  • Sidney Huntington
  • Walter Parker
  • Bill Tobin
  • Brian Rogers
  • Chancy Croft
  • Dr. Claus-M. Naske
  • Dr. Stephen Haycox